Octave symbolic is more user-friendly than Matlab

Introduction The Octave-Forge Symbolic package adds symbolic calculation features to GNU Octave. It use SymPy under its hood, but no knowledge of Python is required. I found in some way that the result of Octave symbolic package is more user-friendly than Matlab. Test For example, you can test the following code in both applications to compare the results. 1 2 3 4 % pkg load symbolicsyms a1 a2 a3 m v0 t realvt = (-a2+sqrt(-a2^2+4*a1*a3)*tan((-sqrt(-a2^2+4*a1*a3)/m)*t/2 + atan((2*a1*v0+a2)/sqrt(-a2^2+4*a1*a3))))/(2*a1)xt = simplify(int(vt,t)) In Octave, the commented line ‘pkg load symbolic’ must be uncommented first to load the symbolic package.


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